My German friend, Dani, told me a story once about how a farmer who wanted to stop school children crossing his field as a shortcut to school. He was a friendly man and wanted to be gentle with the local children. So, one day as they were on their way to school the children noticed a new sign on the edge of the farmers field.
It read:
And, all terrified at this, the children never took the shortcut through the field again!
Of course, all the sign said - was - that this field is growing “dandelions”.
I love this story as it hints to the power of this amazing plant, except, there is no need to run, or to be terrified! Do not fear… on the list of medicinal herbal plants - this is a very safe, effective and multi-therapeutic plant.
In France dandelions are called ‘pissenli’t – literally - ‘bedpissers’, a homage to the plant’s diuretic properties.
Health Blog
Depending on which part of the dandelion you use, there are many different uses for this lovely and plentiful herb (some refer to it as a weed). It is worth mentioning its leaves, which are a wonderful kidney tonic, especially when it comes to flushing toxins and additional fluids out of the body.
In conventional medicine, when prescribing medicine to flush out fluids (such as diuretics), doctors must prescribe potassium, as orthodox diuretics tend to leach the body of this important mineral / electrolyte (essential for healthy a heart, water balance & muscle function).
But, it’s amazing how nature has that covered already - the humble dandelion leaf is full of minerals, such as (potassium and magnesium), and therefore the perfect wholistic, balanced & natural diuretic.
Its roots are a powerful liver tonic by encouraging the production of bile, thus aiding the digestion and breakdown of foods; and fats in particular. This has a really beneficial effect on healthy bowel movement and toxin elimination from the body in general.
So today, we celebrate the dandelion flower top.
Like us, plants are not made with any spare parts; each part having a very specific purpose and role. The dandelion flower, with it’s sunny vibrant yellow colour alone is colour therapy. It speaks of warmth, energy, life - and makes a beautiful yellow ointment, which is lovely to apply all year around, but especially in the depths of winter.
Medical Herbalist, Ireland
It is like a little pot of sun energy to gently comfort and take care of your body.
It’s lovely to be mindful of the lovely summer day when harvesting, and reflect on the wellness and warmth from the sun that these flowers hold.
So, it appears we can bottle the sun after all!
Dandelion flowers are high in polyphenols, more than its roots and leaves. Polyphenols help in the prevention of degenerative disease, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. It is a favourite base oil for my body ointments, as dandelions grow everywhere, are easy to harvest, and they produce this wonderful yellow oil.
Topically (on the skin), as an ointment or salve, it is good for:
Sore muscles.
Achy and arthritic joints.
Rough and chapped skin.
Skin healing.
Deep moisturiser.
As a massage oil, the direction you choose to rub in the oil can be a wonderful lymphatic drainage exercise. Simply aim upwards towards heart, especially on the legs (which retained fluid).
I describe how to prepare the basic dandelion herbal oil base in my previous comprehensive herbal oil series: Follow LINK.
So, let’s get going now on how to turn this basic oil into DANDELION HERBAL OINTMENT.
The following recipe makes one pot (which will last for about 3 months or so). You can alter the ratio amounts for bigger quantities.
You need:
100 ml dandelion flower top infused oil
15 grams of beeswax pastilles
1 pot to hold 100mls or 2 50ml pots (wide necked if possible)
Optional, but highly recommended:
30-40drops of preferred essential oil
I use spearmint essential oil (30drops) and “archangel Michael essential oil” 20 drops)
Add the dandelion oil and beeswax to a heatproof glass, or a metal bowl.
Place over a double boiler, or place over a saucepan of simmering water (water and base of bowl holding oil must not be in contact).
Gently raise temperature of oil and beeswax stirring gently, until all wax is melted.
Remove from heat.
Remove the bowl with the oil from the pot of water.
At this stage add essential oils.
Pour into pots.
The ratio of wax to oil will ensure that this ointment sets at room temp and yet, it is still easy to scoop out and sit on skin.
The shelf life is approximately one year, and may even last longer. Basically, there should be a pleasant smell - and if not, discard.
And that’s it!
Why the mint essential oil?
It’s cooling, fresh, & smells wonderful. This combination brings together the warmth of sun, with the cool, gentle tingling of mint.
Why the archangel Michael essential?
Thank you Mary Nolan, who gifted me with her version of this ointment. She recommended the addition of Archangel Michael essential oil (available in most health stores).
Truly, this has enhanced the ointment beyond recognition, in every way: body, mind and spirit.
Stay with me... keep reading :)
Medical Herbalist in Kildare & Galway
Archangel Michael is regarded as the main angel for protection. Whether you are a believer, or a non-believer - that matters not. The true gift of this oil (apart from a beautiful synergy of smells) is the idea that we can combine and set an intention into our body oil.
The body is always listening to spoken - or thought message… nice thought or not. Each time we apply this ointment onto our skin, we can pause for a moment to acknowledge our self-worth, care and protection.
Whether your intention is spiritually (or psychologically) motivated, these intentions are self-healing. It is our way of showing gratitude for the incredible miracle that is our body.
And that is my gift to you.
Enjoy, and love your body with all your mind.
Anny xxx
Medical Herbalist in Galway & Kildare.