Hello, my name is Anny O’Neill & I am really delighted to share with you this gorgeous, golden elixir for the ears.
Honestly, I could write a book on the medicinal properties of mullein and garlic and how it can be used externally, internally - in tinctures, food, oils, salves, poultices, lineament, and so on…
But, today we are going to take care of your ears!
Ear Ache? Then check out Art of Health’s Mullein & Garlic Ear Oil.
Speaking on behalf of my ears (as someone who has suffered greatly over the years), there is a ‘before this oil’ & an after: two very differing tales. Before I discovered this oil I had lots of antibiotic therapies, and so much pain. I couldn’t swim, as this almost guaranteed infection. These chronic ear infections caused deafness in one ear, due to scarring on the eardrum. This story - pre-mullein days - was only going one way!
Once I started using mullein everything totally changed. For 18 years now I haven’t had to take an antibiotic for an ear infection. At the first sign of issues, such as itchiness, soreness, twinge, discomfort, dryness - or even if I have a sore throat, my go-to is mullein oil.
Mullein Flower.
It is worth mentioning the anatomy of the ear relative to the throat to describe the importance and relevance of ear health.
Some naturopaths believe that the origins of persistent sore throats can originate in the ear tract, which goes down the back of the throat. We all know that when we have a sore throat that our ears often feel sore, painful, or inflamed.
This ear-to-throat link is called a Eustachian Tube.
In children this tube can become gluey, resulting in temporary deafness and persistent ear issues. On flights it can get sticky, causing ear pain as the pressure outside and within the middle ear are disturbed. When our ears pop as we ascend mountains (or when we hold our breath and pop our ears), it is the Eustachian Tube unblocking.
Knowing this simply anatomy will help you to identify what the best intervention is for you. For instance, is your ear sore because of your throat, or vice versa?
And, finally - another anatomical connection is the response of your ear health to certain changes in the digestives system.
Factors that affect ear health include:
I bet those of you who have persistent ear discomfort consume excess sugar, or alcohol. Excess sugar causes an imbalance of microbiome in the gut, resulting in a systemic reaction in the body (for instance, ear problems).
Digestive disorders, either currently or in the past (more on this to come over the next few months).
A history of high incidence of antibiotic therapy / drug therapy.
Conventional medicine has caught up with this ear-gut link, and there has been significant medical papers published on the relationship between chronic ear issues in children with digestive issues. In my clinics I always encourage clients to observe their health patterns, and identify what triggers their unique cascade of issues.
So, enough anatomy for now…
Whether you have a penchant for itching your ears with cotton tips causing minor trauma, have ear eczema, painful ears from wind chill, swimmers ear (a really unpleasant and often smelly discharge / weeping ear), or you can’t have any water near your ear (even with washing your hair), then this oil will come into its own.
Trust me - you’ll thank me!
So, Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) is a medicinal plant. It’s easy to recognize by its soft, fuzzy leaves and tall flower spikes.
GENERAL INFORMATION - Mullein Flower Properties:
Anti inflammatory (reduces swelling, thus helping to open your blocked Eustachian Tube).
Analgesic (reducing pain).
Anti-catarrhal (mullein breaks up mucus in the nose and throat).
It makes mucus more liquid - therefore making it easier to expel from the body.
It relieves a stuffy nose and makes it easier to cough up mucus from the lungs.
Antispasmodic (reducing tightness).
Astringent (important for wound healing and reducing irritation on surface tissues (this also helps to act as a barrier against infection).
It is a demulcent herb.
This plant is rich in mucilage and can soothe and protect irritated and inflamed tissues.
It promotes sweating and will help break a fever (when taken internally). This encourages the removal of toxins and waste from the body.
Mullein is a specific remedy for earache, bronchitis, coughing, sinus congestion, chest congestion and wheezing.
How to Treat Ear Issues: Mullein & Garlic oil, by the Art of Health.
I use mullein and garlic together, as they make a simple and effective combination oil, and this is why:
Garlic amplifies the antimicrobial properties of this remedy, and together they have a powerful synergistic action in treating active infections in the outer ear (or if you have sensitivity from swimming pools or jacuzzis).
Garlic (as an oil) also encourages blood flow, therefore promoting healing to any area where it is applied locally.
Olive oil in its own right has antimicrobial qualities and therefore supports the other herbs. Olive oil, however, has an additional analgesic (pain-killing) affect. If you are experiencing pain in the ear canal, where skin is inflamed, or if you have searing pain due to nerve endings being exposed – olive oil comes into its own. When olive oil touches this affected area it is possible to experience almost immediate relief, as the nerve endings are soothed and coated. Basically, olive oil is not only a conduit for the other herbs, it also acts as an instant barrier and calms exposed and painful nerve endings instantly.
PLEASE NOTE: In the case of dry, itchy ears (as is often the case with a early stage of eczema), there is a strong desire to itch with your fingers and cotton buds - which is an absolute NO-NO… Itching breaks down the skin, leaving it prone to infection. At this DRY stage Olive oil is excellent to keep the skin moist and therefore reducing the need to itch.
Ear Health.
So, how to make this ear elixir?
Given that this is a follow-on blog from the “how to make you own herbal oil series”, we will proceed knowing that you already have your mullein oil made (if not contact me and I can send you some).
You can adjust your amounts, but as a rough guide - one 50ml bottle of this oil lasts my family of 6 people over 1 year. So a little goes a very long way.
Ear Infection - Learn about what may be triggering your issue first.
250 mls of mullein flower oil.
1-head of organic garlic.
Double boiler.
4-5 - 50ml glass bottles with ear droppers.
Separate the garlic cloves from the garlic head. Peel each clove. Coarsely chop the garlic.
Put mullein oil with garlic into a heatproof bowl.
Place in a double boiler.
Put it on a ‘low setting’ and ensure you don’t overheat and burn the garlic - 30-40 degrees max.
Leave it for 4 - 5 hours making sure that the water does not evaporate.
Allow it to cool down so that you can handle the oil. You shouldn’t have to wait too long, as it shouldn’t have got too hot.
Strain the oil and pour it into a coloured glass bottle, with a dropper cap. Cap tightly.
This remedy will last at least a year, if kept in a cool, dry cupboard.
How to use.
Firstly, always seek medical advice if you have any concerns about your health. This oil is safe to use if your doctor says olive oil is ok to use inside your ear. DO NOT USE IF EARDRUM IS PERFORATED.
With a simple irritation, early signs of earache, excessive itching of the ear, or following exposure to wind: lay on opposite ear and insert 2 - 3 drops into affected ear. Remain in that position for 15-mins and plug ear with cotton wool. Repeat on other side if both ears sore (this is often the case where the throat is the origin of the infection).
Repeat morning and evening keeping the ear-plug in place during the day and night.
If this remedy is correct, you should feel relief the same day as you started. Always seek medical attention if in doubt.
As a therapist of natural & orthodox medicine for over 25 years, I must include the following pointers to help you care of your ears:
Look after the microbiome of your digestive system. Take a probiotic and eat fermented foods that are high in natural probiotics.
Consider colonic irrigation therapy where chronic ear infections are present.
Reduce sugar. In particular watch out for sugar in alcohol.
If you have a tendency to develop mucous (for example: glue ear, sinus, asthma, eczema - repetitive chest infections), then reduce dairy and white flour products (cheese, cows milk, white breads).
Avoid yeast where possible (yeast breads - beers in particular).
Use organic, additive free hair products
Swim in natural water, as opposed to chlorinated pools.
Have fun trying!!
So that’s it!
Get to know your local herbalist - they will walk you through all these stages.
Or, if you prefer, you can book a zoom consultation with me: Art of Health. Phone: + 353 (0) 86 389 8050
Please do not suffer one day longer with your lovely ears.
Love to you all,
Anny at the Art of Health.