The joys of outdoor country dining (pre-covid social distance), when we visited Nana, age 89 - who always makes a large pot of mash to accompany this vibrant and healthy soup. Nana’s constantly feeding her young - no matter how old she is.
Florence, enjoying her Nana’s mash. Recipes | Beetroot Soup
9 Medium Fresh Organic Beets With Skin On (washed)
2 Medium Onions Peeled and Sliced
Tablespoon Olive of Oil for Sautéing
3 Oranges Zested and Juiced
2 Lemons - Juice Only
2 Litres Veg Bullion Stock
Seasoning if required
Sautéed the onions until translucent.
Dice the beetroots and add to onions.
Pour over the stock and citrus orange.
Simmer until beets are easily penetrated with a fork for approximately 25 mins.
Remove from heat.
Add the juice of all the lemons and oranges.
Blend (or leave chunky).
Taste, and add seasoning if required.
Add more water if too thick.
Serve with fine shaving of orange zest and ......nothing else!
Enjoy! Makes 10 servings. Perfect for storage in freezer. Eat slowly. Gorgeous for lunch on a cool day.
This soup is made for your digestion. Packed with essential nutrients, beetroots are a great source of fibre, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. The fibre both feeds friendly gut bacteria and adds bulk to stools, thus reducing constipation. Beetroots and its juice have been associated with numerous health benefits, including improved blood flow, lower blood pressure, and increased exercise performance. Beetroot juice also acts as a great blood purifier, which is key in keeping your skin glowing and healthy. The vitamin C content helps in clearing blemishes and evens out your skin tone, while giving it a natural glow.
This soup is zingy. I love sharpness combined with freshness in my food. This soup embodies what “feeding your body true nutrients is really about”. Have fun with it.
You should see a reddish colour in the toilet after a bowel movement. Depending on when you see this, it will tell you how fast your digestion transit time is. If you see this the next day then applaud your wonderful system, if longer, maybe best call me as you have a sluggish system! If same day, that needs to be looked at too. Both too slow and too fast transit times are symptoms of imbalance and will need to be addressed.
Love Anny, xxx
Recipes Blog, by Anny O’Neill | Art of Health